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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

It's time for a climate rap

The climate change "debate" is not really a debate, because people on one side ask questions, but people on the other side refuse to debate.  


Ask too many questions and you are ridiculed and character attacked as a "science denier".

On one side are people who know little about climate science, but don't realize how little they know. These coming climate crisis promoters write articles, make speeches, and make videos, to sell their climate fantasy.

They are selling their climate fantasy to regular people who also know little about climate science, so most of them just accept what "the experts" claim.  

The so called climate "experts" completely ignore the fact that everyone on our planet has lived with global warming for the past 45 years, and it has been harmless.

Pleasant, actually.

The "experts" only interest is scary predictions of future global warming, which they claim will be completely different -- horrible.

Unfortunately, too many people believe the scary predictions.

A small minority don't believe the "experts", and no additional propaganda will change their minds.

Unfortunately, their opinions are almost always based on instincts, rather than knowledge of climate science.

Former president Trump was one of them.

Instincts such as not trusting "experts", or not trusting government scientists, or not trusting anything leftists believe in.

I would like to see more people considering their own experience with global warming -- all of their lives, for people 45 years old, or younger.

The real question is who to believe: Your own experience with global warming, which was pleasant, or predictions of future global warming ... that is completely different -- a "climate crisis".

It's sad how many people are willing to ignore their own experience with 45 years of global warming, the whole time listening to climate predictions of doom ... which have obviously been wrong for the past 45 years!


After 45 years of hearing wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis ... they still believe predictions of a coming climate crisis, because the propaganda works.

The "coming climate crisis" is always 10 years in the future ... and will always be 10 years in the future.

Because the coming climate crisis is not real -- it is just a figment of over-active leftist imaginations -- their 'CO2 is the devil in the sky' fairy tale.

Their 'do what we say, or the climate boogeyman will get you' strategy is used to ramp up their political power.  

And that strategy works, so it will continue.