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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Thank you for 84,000 page views

And thank you for over 8,000 page views so far this month -- way past last month's record of 4,673 page views.


This is a blog for people with open minds about global warming. I prefer to study reality -- the present and past climate. No wild guess predictions of the future climate. You can get those climate change  fantasies  almost everywhere else. 


Most important: I recognize that climate science has a lot of questions that still have no answers. Real climate scientists know that. Climate change hustlers have all the "answers". And you must do as they say, or you are a "science denier".  


In fact, the so-called "experts" who predict climate change doom are the science deniers. They have no ability to predict the future climate -- not even ten years in the future. 


Just study what they claim: Their climate predictions are stated with great confidence, and have not changed since the late 1950s, except to gradually get more hysterical. There is always a coming climate crisis. Usually in ten years. Meanwhile, the past climate is constantly changing, from repeated "adjustments" to historical temperature data, that gradually create more global warming ... out of thin air.


We have all lived with global warming since the 1970s. I don't  know about you, but it is still too cold here in Michigan, where I've lived since the late 1970s. Winters are not as cold as in the 1970s, but we still can't retire our snow shovels. So I celebrate global warming, and want more. 


I also want more CO2 in the atmosphere, for greening our planet. Based on thousands of scientific studies, and modern greenhouse practices, plants prefer more CO2 in the atmosphere -- at least double the current level. More CO2 in the atmosphere is beneficial.  CO2 is not the 'devil in the sky'.

The goal of this blog is to refute the coming climate crisis "worse than we thought" fairy tales that we have been hearing since the late 1950s (scientists were calm and professional back then, not hysterical, as they are today). 


Past global warming was pleasant. But future global warming is always predicted to be horrible!  


The "coming climate crisis" consists of nothing more than always wrong, wild guesses of the future climate. Computer games that make wrong climate predictions are not real science -- they are climate astrology.  Expensive climate astrology.


For more thoughts on climate change ... plus pictures of me, the wife, our cat, our home, and the pesky deer in our yard every day, see my recent "81,000 page views" article at this link: