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Monday, February 22, 2021

Thank you for 83,000 page views

We have all lived with global warming since the 1970s. I don't  know about you, but it is still too cold here in Michigan, where I've lived since the late 1970s. Winters are not as cold as in the 1970s, but we still can't retire our snow shovels. 


So I celebrate global warming, and want more. And more CO2 in the atmosphere too -- for greening our planet. Speaking for plants, based on thousands of scientific studies, they want more CO2 in the atmosphere -- at least double the current level.  More CO2 in the atmosphere is better than harmless -- it is beneficial.  CO2 is not the devil in the sky.


It is the gross overreaction to harmless warming that is the true existential crisis. 


The aim of this blog is to refute the coming climate crisis fairy tale we have been hearing about since the late 1950s (the scientists were calm and professional back then, not hysterical, as they are today). 


The "coming crisis" consists of nothing more than always wrong, wild guesses of the future climate. Computer games that make wrong climate predictions. That's not real science -- that's climate astrology.


For more thoughts on climate change, and the purpose of this blog ... plus pictures of me, the wife, our cat, our home, and the pesky deer in our yard every day, see my "81,000" article at this link: