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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Thank you for 85,000 page views

 February 25, 2021
After a record month in January 2021, with 4,673 page views, February 2021 is even busier, with over 9,000 page views, so far.
This blog presents facts about the PAST and PRESENT climate, and energy use. Not fantasies of a FUTURE climate crisis ... that we have been warned about  every year for the past 50 years.

They had me believing for 49 years, but after 49 years of warnings, I got slightly suspicious the climate change fortune tellers did not know what they are talking about. ... Okay, that was a lame joke. ... 
I actually started reading about climate science in 1997. Five minutes later, I did not trust 100 year climate forecasts -- which are the only reason to claim a climate crisis is coming. 
Fortunately, I was always skeptical about predictions -- even for one year in the future.  And I was always skeptical about politicians invoking the anti-science claim: "the science is settled", such as Al Gore.
This blog presents highlights of climate and energy articles I've read -- I don't do any original climate science research. 
I also don't need a Ph.D. scientist to tell me how global warming has affected my life. The gradually changing climate is easy to observe while living in the same home since 1987, and four miles south for seven years before that. 
 I have (we all have) lived with global warming for the past 45 years, and I want more. I'd like to retire my Michigan snow shovels some day !

Your choice: Your actual experience with 45 years of global warming, or wild guess predictions of a coming climate crisis, which are always ten years in the future (nine years if you believe John Kerry).  One of those two choices is for gullible fools, and leftists (I repeat myself).
Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan 
For more thoughts on the purpose of this blog, plus some pictures of me, my drum set, the wife, her pianos, our cat, our living room, and the daily visits of herds of pesky deer, go to the following link: