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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Thank you for 86,000 page views

 February 27, 2021
After a record month in January 2021, with 4,673 page views, February 2021 is even busier, with over 10,000 page views, so far.
This blog presents facts about the PAST and PRESENT climate, and energy use --
highlights of climate and energy articles I've read.
Not fantasies of a FUTURE climate crisis ... that we have been warned about every year for the past 50 years.
We have all lived with global warming for the past 45 years. If global warming was a problem, we would have noticed something wrong long ago. 
Meanwhile, I celebrate global warming, and want more. I'd like to retire my two Michigan snow shovels! And my plants, although they can't talk, want a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere for optimum growth, with less watering too, and so do I, based on thousands of scientific experiments, and greenhouse owners' experiences, with CO2 enrichment.

It's your choice:
Climate science and common sense, recognizing that CO2 is the staff of life on our planet ... or "CO2 is the devil in the sky" junk science, along with the usual hysterical warnings, and arm waving:
Your actual experience with the past 45 years of pleasant, harmless global warming versus the mainstream media's always wrong, wild guess predictions, of a coming climate crisis. Repeated each year for about 50 years. An invisible crisis that's always ten years in the future. And ten years from now, it will still be 10 years in the future! 
There is no climate crisis -- we are living in  the best climate on our planet in at least 300 years. 
The only "climate" related problems are:
(1) Annoying leftists constantly bellowing about a coming (fictional) climate emergency, that only exists in their overactive imaginations, and
(2) Foolish leftists who want to spend a huge sum of money to replace a reliable electric grid, using mainly fossil fuels, with an unreliable electric grid, using intermittent wind and solar power.
Spending all that money on ourselves ... while one billion poor people in the world have no electricity. Leftist climate alarmists are foolish, and selfish.
Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan 
For more thoughts on the purpose of this blog, plus some pictures of me, my drum set, the wife, her pianos, our cat, our living room, and pesky deer that visit our yard every day, go to the following link: