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Monday, February 15, 2021

Another day, another climate rap

The AGW theory (man made global warming) is not deceit.
It's based on real science, but real science in a laboratory, proving CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

The effect of added CO2 in the atmosphere is not known, and not knowable.

To claim it is "significant" is speculation.

I accept the infrared gas lab spectroscopy experiments as real science, and have no problem assuming CO2 has some warming effect (by interfering with our planet's ability to cool itself).

On the other hand, I favor a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere to accelerate plant growth, increase crop yields, and green our planet, based on thousands of real science experiments, and the experiences of greenhouse owners.

If that extra CO2 causes any warming, the warming should be mild, and harmless.

That's what the lab experiments suggest, and that's what has happened in the past 45 years.

There is no evidence of a water vapor positive feedback that would triple the CO2 warming suggested by the lab experiments, changing harmless global warming to potentially harmful global warming.

I reject the always wrong, wild guess predictions of a coming climate crisis. 

They started in the 1960s, and I'm tired of hearing them.

Unlike the climate alarmists, I have noticed that the locations and timing with the most warming since the 1970s were colder areas, mainly during colder times of the year, and mainly at night. 

Which makes the mild warming pleasant ... and pleasant is better than harmless.

Meanwhile, It's really cold where I live in southeastern Michigan, and has been for a week. 

That's a global warming "emergency"?

It has been so cold in Texas recently that wholesale electricity prices have gone through the roof. 

See the next article.