-- The Mainstream Media:
CO2 is the devil in the sky.
-- The Honest Global Warming Chart Blog:
CO2 is the staff of life on Earth:
More CO2 in the atmosphere
makes the C3 photosynthesis
plants used for food grow better.
At least double the current
CO2 level of 415 ppm would be
ideal, as greenhouse owners
have known for decades !
The future climate will be a disaster
(predicted every year, for the past 45 years).
Over seven billion people have
enjoyed some, or all, of the global
warming in the past 45 years,
and another 45 years of global
warming would be even better !
Unless you believe warmer winter
nights in Siberia and Alaska are
bad news.
Scientists can accurately predict
the future climate, using climate
computer models, and estimates
of CO2 concentration growth.
We've noticed over 30 years
of always wrong, computer game
climate predictions -- averaging
over double the warming that
actually happens.
"Scientists say" ...
must be taken seriously,
especially if they are
government bureaucrat
scientists with PhD's.
When we hear the phrase
"scientists say", we know
wild speculation and wrong
climate predictions
will usually follow.
We need far more windmills and
solar panels to save our planet.
Replacing reliable fossil fueled
electric power, with unreliable,
variable output, wind and solar
"farms", at great expense,
is a huge waste of money,
... and kills far too many birds
and bats!
Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan
BS (degree in detecting leftist farm animal digestive waste products)
MBA (Master BS Artist)
TBW (Trained By Wife)
SOHK (School of Hard Knocks)
RDSOC (Rodney Dangerfield School of Comedy participation trophy)
My favorite song
this week:
My favorite song
this week:
" How Long"
by Ace