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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

"The Tropics just logged its Second-Coldest Temperature in History, as ALL-TIME Record Cold sweeps South America"


"It’s been a historically chilly first half of the year for many locales –despite what the obfuscating mainstream media prints and bleats–

and it is a fact that the global average temperature has regularly dipped below the 30-year baseline in 2021: in March, April, and June

And now comes the news that the Tropics has just logged one of its coldest temperatures ever recorded.

The reading comes from South America — a continent that has been suffering record-breaking lows and snows in recent weeks:

The Chaco Region (or RegiĆ³n Occidental) is a semi-arid region in Paraguay, known for its weather extremes.

The mercury can easily climb to 100F as well as tumble below the freezing mark.

A few days ago, Chaco logged a historic -7.4C (18.7F).

This was the second-lowest temperature ever recorded at such low elevations in the tropics, worldwide.

It also adds to the numerous ALL-TIME cold records busted across the South American continent of late.

Staying in Paraguay, a few of the benchmarks to have fallen recently include

1) the -5.4C (22.3F) registered in Nueva Asuncion–which busted the region’s previous all-time low temperature record of -5C (23F) set on July 18, 1975 (solar minimum of cycle 20), and

 2) the -2.8C (27F) observed in Base Aerea Jara–which smashed the old all-time record of -1.4C (29.5F) from June 29, 1996 (solar minimum of cycle 22).

Additionally, Paraguay recently experienced its coldest-ever June temperature — a bone-chilling low of -7.3C (18.9F) was recorded at Pozo Hondo at the close of last month (although some sources have the record-breaker as the -7.5C (18.5F) at Pratt Gill; but regardless, a new all-time June low was set).

Crossing Paraguay’s NE border, and into Bolivia, never-before seen lows have been logged here, too.

These include, but are not limited to,
1) San Jose de Chiquitos’ reading of -1C (30.2F)–which comfortably usurped the +0.3C (32.5F) set back in May, 1949 and also brought with it the first-ever frost to the town, and

2) Ascension de Guarayos’ +1.2C–which annihilated the town’s previous all-time low of +4C (39.2F) from August, 1985 (solar minimum of cycle 21).

And note that ALL of the weather stations above are AWSs, and are part of the DMH net of automatic stations — so there is no questioning their reliability (no more so than with any other official recognized station, that is).

The mainstream media refuses to acknowledge the record-breaking negative anomalies currently sweeping vast swathes of the planet as it continues to push its AGW propaganda on a criminally ill-informed public.

The facts are the facts, and during the peak of what the MSM would have you believe was a catastrophic and all-encompassing heatwave in the Pacific Northeast, global temperatures actually fell in June, 2021, to below the 30-year average:

This is an impossibility under the global warming theory."