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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday morning climate rap; No one knows exactly what CO2 does -- impossible to measure outside of a laboratory

What man made climate change are we sure of?

There are studies of the urban heat island effect -- the warming effect economic growth, population growth, and land use changes, in the vicinity of land weather stations (whether they are rural, suburban or urban stations).

There are also man made revisions to raw temperature data that create more warming out of thin air. 

Often by cooling past temperatures, long after the measurements were made.

It is impossible to eliminate every other variable that could cause climate change, to prove the exact effect of man made CO2 in the atmosphere.

So the climate alarmists merely assert that natural causes of climate change are "noise" (starting in 1995), and that means the only possible causes of climate change are man made.

That's science fraud.

The alarmists do have some lab experiments showing CO2 acts as a greenhouse gas, in a closed system with artificially dried air (to avoid the water vapor - CO2 overlapping effects).  

The actual effect of CO2 in the atmosphere is merely asserted -- there's no way to prove exactly what CO2 does, or does not do.

We do have experience with global warming for the past 45 years -- pleasant climate change, whether CO2 is involved or not.

It is the bizarre unproven water vapor positive feedback theory that supports claims of rapid dangerous global warming.
That theory seems to be from the 1970s -- it triples the claimed warming effect of CO2 alone.
A coming climate crisis has been predicted for the past 64 years.
The water vapor feedback effect theory makes the coming climate crisis predictions a lot closer to the current date.
But the coming climate crisis NEVER shows up.  
Without the unproven, and unreasonable, water vapor positive feedback theory, global warming is no worse than mild and harmless.