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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wednesdy climate rap: Everone "knows" what CO2 does, but in reality no one knows

CO2 is not causing rapid, dangerous global warming that leftists have predicted for the past 64 years.

There has not been any rapid, dangerous warming since atmospheric CO2 levels began to rise after the trough of the Great Depression.

Nor can CO2 be dismissed as doing absolutely nothing, because its effect as a greenhouse gas is unknown.

Both positions (rapid warming, and no warming) are wrong.

The correct answer is no one knows the exact effect of CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere, except for the positive effect on plants.

While CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and more greenhouse gasses should further disrupt Earth's ability to cool itself, there's no way to eliminate all other climate change variables, to determine exactly what CO2 does.

There is some evidence of mild harmless global warming (1975 to 2021) positively correlated with rising CO2.

Mild harmless warming is a reasonable assumption because CO2 infrared gas spectroscopy lab experiments suggest mild, harmless warming too.

Of course an assumption is not a proven fact.

Especially when there's evidence that CO2 does not lead temperature changes (in the 4.5 billion years prior to 1975, represented by Antarctica ice cores, useful to reconstruct the past 800,000 years).

So we are back to the correct answer: No one knows exactly what adding CO2 to the atmosphere does to the temperature.

We do know there is no evidence adding CO2 will cause a climate emergency, or even harm anyone.

Which means the 64 years of predicting a coming climate crisis, now called a climate emergency, are an anti-science hoax.