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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, December 1, 2022

Lack Of Battery Storage Makes Green-Energy Grid A Pipe Dream

Energy Sense: Tucker Carlson (winter heating costs in the news)  Energy Sense: Tucker Carlson (winter heating costs in the news) - Master Resource
No, NPR, Climate Change Isn’t ‘…Making the Weather More Severe,’ nor Should It Be in Daily Weather Forecasts  No, NPR, Climate Change Isn’t ‘…Making the Weather More Severe,' nor Should It Be in Daily Weather Forecasts. - ClimateRealism
Atlantic Hurricane Season Below Average in Latest Blow for Net Zero Alarmists  Atlantic Hurricane Season Below Average in Latest Blow for Net Zero Alarmists – The Daily Sceptic

Just Stop Oil bombarded with abuse by angry pedestrians  Watch: Just Stop Oil bombarded with abuse by angry pedestrians (
San Francisco's sustainable, self-cleaning toilet breaks down after 3 days  San Francisco's sustainable, self-cleaning toilet of the future breaks down after 3 days - American Thinker
China And India Are Buying Russian Crude At A 40% Discount  China And India Are Buying Russian Crude At A 40% Discount |
French Grid Operator Warns of Power Cuts This Winter  French Grid Operator Warns Of Power Cuts This Winter |
Top Miner Warns That a Labor Shortage Could Threaten the Energy Transition Top Miner Warns That A Labor Shortage Could Threaten The Energy Transition |
Can Europe and North America Compete with China’s Lithium Dominance? Can Europe And North America Compete With China’s Lithium Dominance? |
Europe’s Energy Security To Be Tested As Temperatures Plummet  Europe’s Energy Security To Be Tested As Temperatures Plummet |
New Study Shows Offshore Wind Farms Hurt Marine Life, Coastal Ecosystems  New Study Has Some Bad News for Wind Energy Advocates (
Yesterday, Greenland Gained Enough Mass To Bury Central Park Under 9,000 Feet Of Ice; Antarctica’s Coldest Month Of November Since 1987; China’s Big Freeze Intensifies–Beijing’s Lowest Nov Temp Since 1970  Yesterday, Greenland Gained Enough Mass To Bury Central Park Under 9,000 Feet Of Ice; Antarctica's Coldest Month Of November Since 1987; China's Big Freeze Intensifies-Beijing's Lowest Nov Temp Since 1970; + Quiet Sun - Electroverse