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Friday, December 30, 2022

Thank you for 368,000 page views, and here's a short summary of this blog

Thank you for 11,508 page views in November 2022 -- a new monthly record for the blog. This is a blog without the usual exciting stories of climate doom as click bait. No always wrong wild guess predictions of a climate emergency here. No baloney that the future climate can only get worse, never better.

In fact, the only logical conclusion after reading this blog is that today's climate is wonderful, fear of the future climate is irrational, and Nut Zero is not needed, not feasible, not affordable and will not happen.  Unless the Nut Zero goal is more blackouts -- and it might be! 

These obvious conclusions do not require science degrees or engineering degrees. They only require common sense and independent thinking.  So all leftists are excluded, except Michael Shellenberger.  Leftists take their orders from governments and repeat what they are told like trained parrots, with the New York Times lining the bottom of their cages!

We've all lived with up to 47 years of harmless global warming since 1975.  There are eight billion first-hand witnesses. All 47 years included predictions of a coming climate crisis that never showed up. In fact, every climate prediction in the past century has been wrong.



SINCE THE 1950s. 



"Climate change" actually means always wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis. The predictions actually began in the late 1950s science papers and were defined with numbers in the 1979 Charney Report.  The IPCC used the Charney Report numbers from 1988 until a few years ago, when they arbitrarily modified the numbers. in a way that would be better to scare people about the future climate (that's the UN's IPCC mission).

Here in Michigan, USA, we say "Give us more of that global warming".  And we celebrate the thousands of products made from oil, from lipstick to plastics to asphalt. Okay., men don't care about lipstick.  But if a man wanted to get a job in the Biden Maladminstration, putting on lipstick would help.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Reading this blog can be counterproductive for page views.  Because it's easy for some readers to decide climate science is not important. Other subjects are more interesting. My three other blogs may seem more interesting. 

So why do I keep following climate science, since 1997, and energy for the past decade?  Because I want to be armed with so much knowledge on the subjects that I can explain them to others in very simple language, when the time comes. 

When the time comes means when more people are willing to listen, rather than character attacking Climate Realists with "science denier" insults to avoid debate.  That time will come.  It will come either from colder weather for a few years, or from Nut Zero electric grid blackouts.  Hopefully blackouts in the UK, Germany or Australia, rather than in Texas or California.  Sorry foreign readers, I am biased.  I suffered through the November 1965 blackout when I lived in New York, and the August 2003 blackout when I lived in Michigan. That's enough blackouts for me.  They are no fun, even in a warm month.

The leftists spout non-science, data-free predictions of a coming climate crisis, often called CAGW.  But some conservatives also spout climate science nonsense.  They reject everything leftist climate scientists say about the climate.  They reject the greenhouse effect, and that CO2 is part of it (called AGW). Or they claim CO2 does nothing above the current concentration ().0415%) of the atmosphere. Both are wrong.

The truth is that climate change has many causes. Manmade causes were added in the mid-1800s -- burning hydrocarbon fuels for energy.  No one knows the exact effects of the resulting CO2 emissions. There is strong evidence the effects are mild and harmless. That's true even if we blame ALL global warming since 1850 (guessed to be +1.1 degrees C.) on the increase of CO2 caused by manmade CO2 emissions (guessed to be almost +50%).  Even that worst case estimate is not bad news.  

That is especially true because most of the warming (since 1979) has been measured with satellites: Northern latitudes, especially the Arctic, are warming fastest, especially nighttime low temperatures, in the colder months of the year. Tropical areas are warming the least, especially daytime high temperatures in the warmer months of the year.  

And Antarctica is not warming at all. Not known by the Climate Howlers, Antarctica has a temperature inversion. That means more CO2 in the air over Antarctica causes global cooling, not global warming. Therefore, we have nothing to fear about melting Antarctica ice increasing sea level.

  Greenhouse gases are warming the world—but chilling Antarctica. Here's why | Science | AAAS

I prefer the truth about the current climate, and every other subject. We currently have the best climate for humans, animals, and especially plants, in the past 5,000 years since the Holocene Climate Optimum period ended (from 5,000 to 9,000 years ago). Plants have the best climate (highest CO2 levels) in millions of years.

We Climate Realists celebrate the current climate, while those pesky leftists try to prevent us from enjoying it.  I've always said that leftists ruin everything they touch.  They're even trying to ruin the climate!

How this blog is different:
Ye Editor loves global warming, and his plants love more CO2 in the atmosphere. 

Ye Editor distinguishes between:
Climate science and always wrong wild guess predictions of climate doom. 
Also, there is a big difference between actual global warming since 1975 (pleasant), and the fairy tales of rapid, dangerous global warming predicted since 1975, that exist ONLY in over-active leftist imaginations.

Ye Editor does not take long term climate predictions seriously, because they have been 100% wrong for over a century.  They are nothing like the accuracy of local weather predictions for the next three days.

Ye Editor does not take leftists seriously and insults them frequently. For medical reasons. That may seem cruel, because leftism is a mental disease. But those insults have lowered my blood pressure to normal for the first time in 20 years. Insulting a leftist each day, keeps the doctor away. You heard it here first.

If you leave this blog with one important point in your mind about the climate history of our planet, it should be to memorize my one and only climate prediction, from 1997, made about one hour after I began studying climate science as a hobby: "The climate will get warmer, and unless it gets colder".  That is meant to be a serious prediction and is the only correct long-term climate prediction in world history.  In fact, I am still expecting a Nobel Prize. Or at least a Nobel Prize Participation Trophy. And now you know more about climate history than any leftist appears to know.

Concerning energy, just memorize Greene's Iron Laws of Energy:

One bird and bat shredder (windmill) + no wind = no electricity
One bazillion bird and bat shredders + no wind = no electricity

One solar panel + no sun = no electricity
One bazillion solar panels + no sun = no electricity

Ye Editor
Richard Greene
Bingham Farms, Michigan

My qualifications:
-- My BS degree (makes me a good BS spotter -- climate change is mainly lots of BS)
-- My MBA (makes me understand that Nut Zero can not go according to plan because there is no plan
-- Common sense -- I don't trust governments or leftists.
-- Experience: I lived with global warming for the past 47 years, and loved it
-- My degree from the Lame Jokes Academy, where I was voted most likely to bomb at a comedy club ... Now you take my wife ... PLEASE!

My three other blogs:

Economic  Logic, since 2008:  
Finance and Economics

Election  Circus, since 2016:  
Featuring news censored by social media

Global Warming Fashion Show, since 2016
Featuring fun female fashions for a warmer world
And you thought climate science was boring?
Think again.

Click on the link below for a longer description of this blog: