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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, January 10, 2023

Feds Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem   Feds Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem (

Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist   Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist – The Daily Sceptic
Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England   Single-use plastic cutlery and plates to be banned in England - BBC News
It's Raining Cats and Dogs in California, but What Happens to All That Water?  It's Raining Cats and Dogs in California—but What Happens to All That Water? – RedState
SoCalGas Shock: California Gas Prices Skyrocket 128% in One Year   SoCalGas Shock: California Gas Prices Skyrocket 128% in One Year - Watts Up With That?
Vital Energy Lessons for Virginia and Americ   Vital Energy Lessons for Virginia and America - Watts Up With That?
Wind Power Collapses During Calm Weather Means Soaring Power Prices & Power Rationing   Wind Power Collapses During Calm Weather Means Soaring Power Prices & Power Rationing – STOP THESE THINGS
HadCRUT Data Manipulation Changes 2000-2014 Warming Trend From 0.03°C to 0.14°C Per Decade   HadCRUT Data Manipulation Changes 2000-2014 Warming Trend From 0.03°C to 0.14°C Per Decade (
Fusion Power Won't Replace Hydrocarbons Anytime Soon   Fusion Power Won't Replace Hydrocarbons Anytime Soon |
Southwestern US Solar Power: Bright Shining Disappointment   Southwestern Solar: Bright Shining Disappointment | Science Matters (