Academics & the grid Part I: I don’t think that study means what you think it means Academics and the grid Part I: I don’t think that study means what you think it means | Climate Etc. (
Academics & the grid. Part II: Are they studying the right things? Academics and the grid. Part II: Are they studying the right things? | Climate Etc. (
No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children –
NY Times – Scientists Get Fired for Being Alarmists NY Times – Scientists Get Fired For Being Alarmists | Real Climate Science
‘Classic Junk Science’ Biden admin seeks ban on gas stoves based on single meta-analysis co-authored by climate activist group seeking ‘carbon free buildings’ ‘Classic Junk Science’ Biden admin seeks ban on gas stoves based on single meta-analysis co-authored by climate activist group seeking ‘carbon free buildings’ | Climate Depot
Correct, Fox News, The Keystone XL Pipeline Would Have Been a Net-Benefit Correct, Fox News, The Keystone XL Pipeline Would Have Been a Net-Benefit - ClimateRealism
Biden Administration Finds Loophole in the Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles Biden Administration Finds Loophole in the Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles - IER (
Biden’s administration finalized waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule to define which bodies of water are federally protected under the Clean Water Act While You Were Away - IER (
Trend toward Forced Electrification Resulted in Rolling Blackouts during Arctic Blast Trend toward Forced Electrification Resulted in Rolling Blackouts during Arctic Blast - IER (
Townhall: Don’t FERC With U.S. Energy Needs Townhall: Don’t FERC With U.S. Energy Needs - IER (
EV Refuse Trucks Grounded Through Lack of Chargers! EV Refuse Trucks Grounded Through Lack Of Chargers! | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT (
HadCRUT Data Manipulation Changes 2000-2014 Warming Trend From 0.03°C to 0.14°C Per Decade HadCRUT Data Manipulation Changes 2000-2014 Warming Trend From 0.03°C to 0.14°C Per Decade (
Ocean Temps Warm Slightly December 2022 Ocean Temps Warm Slightly December 2022 | Science Matters (
German Renewable Energies Expert: Global Warming Is Going To Pause As North Atlantic Cools German Renewable Energies Expert: Global Warming Is Going To Pause As North Atlantic Cools (
Ozone Layer Recovers, Limiting Global Warming: UN Report Ozone Layer Recovers, Limiting Global Warming: UN Report | ZeroHedge
One person died and two more were taken to hospital after a fire was sparked by an e-bike which was charging overnight Warning after one dead and two in hospital following blaze sparked by charging e-bike | Daily Mail Online
From Australia: Policies derive from the weight of misleading information on the dangers of human-induced climate change Dark money | The Spectator Australia