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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, January 3, 2023

Rogue start-up launching reflective clouds into Earth’s stratosphere To Cool Plane  Rogue start-up launching reflective clouds into Earth’s stratosphere To Cool Planet? - American Thinker

Why We Should Be Wary of Climate Alarmism — We Just Froze   Why We Should Be Wary of Climate Alarmism — We Just Froze |
MSNBC Lets Environmental Alarmist Michael Mann Falsely Tie Blizzard to Global Warming   MSNBC Lets Environmental Alarmist Michael Mann Tie Blizzard to Global Warming | Newsbusters
Extinction Rebellion to Stop Wreaking Havoc: ‘Nothing Has Changed’   Extinction Rebellion To Stop Wreaking Havoc: 'Nothing Has Changed' - Climate Change Dispatch
Elon Musk: Use Spanish Solar Panels to Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis   Elon Musk: Use Spanish Solar Panels to Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis - Watts Up With That?
Scandinavia’s Cold December; A Busy Month for Sunspots; + If Global Warming Is Real And ‘Catastrophic’, Why Are the Deserts Greening?   Scandinavia's Cold December; A Busy Month For Sunspots; + If Global Warming Is Real And 'Catastrophic', Why Are The Deserts Greening? - Electroverse