My primary hobby after I retired in January 2005, at age 51, has been reading online for at least three hours every morning. As a public service, I spend up to an extra hour each day working on my three blogs, where I share links, and some quotes, from the best conservative articles I've read every morning. You can read way too many leftist-biased articles in the mass media. This blog is the most popular of the three, with about 369,000 page views so far.
Another hobby is collecting and listening to recorded music. I own about 2,000 CDs and have three stereo systems at home. Including two huge self-designed subwoofers, and some self-designed speakers too. I make a do-it-yourself CD song compilation (aka mix) at least every month, and have given away at least 1,000 copies of them as gifts in the past 22 years.
I'm always looking for new (to me) music and artists on YouTube, which I listen to on my TV room / stereo system.
These are the most interesting and unusual YouTube videos I've found in the past few weeks. Most by musicians I'd never heard of before.
Ye Editor
Bingham Farms, Michigan
20 year-old jazz drummer Greyson Nekrutman. I have a set of cheap Salvation Army purchased drums that I bang on for exercise. This kid is the next Buddy Rich on drums. This drum solo is way too long for most people, at 13 minutes, but you could listen to the first three minutes and last three minutes:
Greyson Nekrutman Plays "Caravan" (Massive Drum Solo) - YouTube
Two young amateur musicians, Mary Spencer and Josh Turner. Both playing guitars and singing a favorite Dire Straits song, with the interesting lyrics finally easy to understand. The girl has a heavy British accent when she talks, like all the Beatles did, but you can't hear it when she sings. Her first verse, especially, is great female singing:
Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing [Cover by Mary Spender and Josh Turner] - YouTube
Unknown Detroit jazz and blues musicians and singers. Detroit has a surplus of musical talent. Some of the best Detroit singers I've heard were middle aged Black women. Their best songs are on local CDs, but unfortunately not on YouTube. Two examples I found:
Thornetta Davis (great live blues) on YouTube:
Thornetta Davis Damn Your Eyes - YouTube
Shahidah Nurullah (smooth live jazz) on YouTube
I heard Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan sing live in Detroit when they were middle-aged Black women too.
When the Levee Breaks is my favorite Led Zeppelin song, with a great John Bonham drum rhythm. The last band, Zepparella, covers "When the Levee Breaks". I'm not going to claim they are a great band, but they are all girls, playing a heavy metal Led Zeppelin song with an "A" for effort. The drummer is no John Bonham, but she slams her drums with all her strength:
Led Zeppelin When The Levee Breaks by Zepparella - YouTube
The wife compared me with famous Cream drummer Ginger Baker! She said: "I heard Ginger Baker live in the 1960s. You're no Ginger Baker". Nice to have a wife with a sense of humor.