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Friday, August 1, 2014

"Science is Never Settled" - short, simple version

The "Era" of Rising Manmade CO2 - 1940 to 2014
(Q) Has the era of rising manmade CO2 been accompanied by global greenhouse warming?
The answer to this question must be based on real temperature data, from the most accurate sources available. No computer projections. No false claims of a "consensus", as if science is decided by a show of hands, or is ever settled. Just the best data available.
(A) Most people reading this will be very surprised to find out there has been no global greenhouse warming since 1940 (1940 marks the beginning of the first 74 years of the era of rising manmade CO2.)
Here are the facts, based on the most accurate average temperature measurements available at the time:

1) 1940 to 1976 = global cooling, per non-global surface thermometers,
2) 1979 to 1998 = local warming, per global satellite measurements, and
3) 1998 to 2014 = global cooling,  per global satellite measurements.
The satellite measurements from 1979 to 1978 are more accurately described as "local warming in the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere", rather than "greenhouse global warming", because there was so much more warming there than the rest of the Earth.
Because the warming in the 'Arctic' areas was high, the average temperature did go up from 1979 to 1998 ... but there was little warming in the Southern Hemisphere -- this very uneven distribution of warming would be impossible if the cause was a greenhouse gas, such as CO2.
Using the term "global warming" for the small average temperature rise since 1940 is misleading.
Never mentioning the warming since 1940 was so small a large portion of it it could be measurement errors during the pre-weather satellite era, is misleading.
The new term "climate change" is misleading too. 
"Climate change" implies something new is happening, when in fact Earth's climate has been changing every hour of every day for 4.5 billion years so far. 
Everything that has ever happened on Earth has been accompanied by climate change.
The only correlation ever discovered between warming and atmospheric CO2 levels is that warming from natural causes, probably changes in solar energy, is followed by rising CO2 levels 500 to 1,000 years later
This fact was discovered through detailed analyses of Greenland and Antarctica ice cores, which also revealed 600 mild natural warming/cooling cycles happened in the past one million years. 
There have been several ice ages with CO2 levels equal to current levels or higher -- one ice age was accompanied by a CO2 level up to 20x higher than today.
Local warming in the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere in the past few decades, while the quantity of sea ice around Antarctica grew, setting a new record in June 2014 on the other side of the globe, could not be the result of changes to greenhouse gasses.
There is no evidence that rising levels of manmade CO2 since 1940 have caused enough greenhouse warming to be visible in the average temperature data.
Each increase of atmospheric CO2 has less of a greenhouse warming effect than the prior increase, so future increases of CO2 will affect the average temperature less then prior increases, which were invisible in the available temperature data.
There are hundreds of studies proving increased CO2 in the air accelerates green plant growth, while simultaneously reducing water requirements -- both are good news for agriculture, in a world where a surprising number of poor people need more food and water. 
The demonization of CO2 is based on an unproven theory and meaningless computer game predictions of the future climate (climate astrology).
Misleading the public about the past 74 years of average temperature data with the now discredited, phony "hockey stick" chart, repeatedly "adjusting" raw surface temperature data to create 'warming' out of thin air, while completely ignoring the great benefits of more CO2 in the air, is not science, or honesty -- it is leftist politics.  
The left-wing attack on CO2 is an indirect attack on big corporations and capitalism, launched by people who are much too dishonest to directly say they hate big corporations and love socialism.
In the past 50 years many false "crises" have been used to attack capitalism -- remember the once-popular hole in the ozone layer "crisis", for one example? 
People with no ulterior political motives who want a greener Earth, with more food and fresh water for everyone, should favor more CO2 in the air -- a lot more CO2.
People who don't care about malnutrition and starvation, and also want to shut down the economic growth that lifts so many people out of poverty, should favor less CO2 in the air.
After living though one of the coldest winters in Michigan history, so cold the water meter in my garage froze and cracked, with the most snow in the Detroit area ever recorded, and 90% of the nearby Great Lakes frozen in mid-February (a new record), I had the misfortune of hearing several people claim "climate change" (formerly called global warming) means unusually cold weather too (that claim is complete nonsense).
After 10-15 years with no warming, even including  surface temperature data (which have a strong pro-warming bias from economic growth in the vicinity of the thermometers), the term "global warming" had to be dropped like a hot potato. 
When leftists invent an environmental "crisis" to gain attention and power, such as "peak oil", or a "hole in the ozone layer", or "global warming", the terminology they use is very important for their propaganda effort, while scientific data and honesty are not important at all.
The "warmists"  are science deniers. 
They reject the work of all real scientists collecting and analyzing real data and documenting Earth's climate history.
They love climate astrology: A small number of scientists taking government bribes to play computer games all day, and regularly predict a coming climate catastrophe some day in the future (after they retire).
Inexpensive sources of energy are the foundation of capitalism and its higher (than socialism) levels of economic growth that significantly reduce poverty.
The war on coal, oil, natural gas fracking, nuclear power and hydropower is a war on economic growth and prosperity.
In prior decades we were told with great confidence that rising CO2 levels meant cold winters were going to disappear, and summers would get hotter and hotter.
We've just had a very cold winter, and are in unusually cool summer … so now the warmists are desperate, and in a panic they have falsely claimed the (obvious) cold weather is part of climate change (the new term they use for global warming).
So if the weather gets warmer, warmists say that's a symptom of climate change / global warming. 
And if the weather gets colder, warmists also say that's  symptom of climate change / global warming!
No matter what happens to the weather, warmists will say climate change was the cause.  
The warmists began losing touch with reality after the average global temperature peaked in 1998.
Now the warmists live in a computer generated fantasyland, where actual temperatures and Earth's climate history don't matter.
For the warmists wild guess computer game projections of the future climate are their only reality, in spite of the fact every model has grossly overestimated warming in the past three decades, and none predicted the cooling since 1998.