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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Global Warming in One Page

Earth is always warming or cooling.

For 4.5 billion years so far.

There have been ice ages with more CO2 in the air than there is today -- up to 20 times more.

Scary global warming predictions are based solely on computer games that can not predict the future climate.

Predictions of the future are not science.

If there was really a coming global warming catastrophe from manmade CO2 in the air, then why do real data, not computer games, contradict that prediction?

(a) Why is the quantity of sea ice around Antarctica growing and repeatedly setting new monthly records in 2014, and why did every climate model predict sea ice shrinking year after year in the Southern Hemisphere?
(Data: sea ice area data collected since 1979 by US satellite)


(b) Why did the quantity of sea ice in the Arctic grow +63% in just two years from 8/25/12 to 8/25/14, from 2.7 million to 4.4 million square kilometres -- to the highest August 25 level since 2006 -- and why did every climate model predict sea ice shrinking year after year in the Arctic?  (Data: sea ice area 30% or more ice covered data from Danish Meteorological Institute satellite -- the increase was +43% based on the US National Snow and Ice Data Center satellite measure of sea area 15% or more ice covered)


(c) Why has the average global temperature, measured by every methodology available, not increased for over a decade, and why did every climate model fail to predict that?


(d) Why has the rate of sea level rise not accelerated, and why did every climate model fail to predict that?


(e) Why should anyone trust climate models when the people who develop them admit 97% of climate model simulations so far have predicted more warming than actually happened -- usually a lot more warming than reality?


(f) Why should anyone trust the IPCC after they admitted manmade CO2 did not cause warming from 1920 to 1940, yet for the similar 1976 to 1998 warming they are suddenly "95%" sure it was caused by manmade CO2, and not anything else?


(g) Why should anyone believe rising CO2 always causes warming when rising manmade CO2 every year did not cause warming from 1941 to 1976 (surface measurements to 1978), and did not cause warming from 1998 to 2014 (satellite measurements since 1979)?


(h) Of the 4.5 billion years Earth has existed, only the 22 years from 1976 to 1998 had both manmade CO2 and the average temperature significantly rising at the same time -- and that fact is not proof that one variable caused the other to rise. Why do science deniers (warmists) ignore Earth's climate history, which is real, while promoting 100-year computer game predictions, which are almost always proven very wrong in just the first ten years?


(i) A computer game prediction of the S&P 500 stock market average for the next 100 years would not be taken seriously by investors. So why are computer game predictions of the average global temperature for the next 100 years taken seriously by many people, when in fact they are nothing more than climate astrology?


(j) Here's what the climate astrologers and their computer games have gotten wrong so far (everything they have predicted):

(1) polar ice projections wrong,

(2) global temperature projections wrong,

(3) ocean “acidification” projections wrong,

(4) water vapor projections wrong,

(5) severe weather projections wrong,

(6) sea level rise projections wrong,

(7) world crop projections wrong,

(8) ocean temperature projections wrong,

(9) global precipitation projections wrong, and

(10) their beloved "Hockey Stick Chart" was busted as a fraud and the IPCC dropped it like a hot potato, with no apology!


The global warming scare is the latest in a 60+ year series of many phony coming environmental "crises", almost all now forgotten, used by socialists to tell people to do everything they say (in their obvious attack on the three things they hate the most: Capitalism, economic growth and population growth).