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Monday, July 16, 2018

The deceptions of the man made climate change cult

The first deception
of the man made 
climate change cult
was the false claim 
that anyone knows
how much humans 
affected the 
average temperature,

The second deception,
was that the average temperature
could be predicted 
many decades into the future.

The third deception 

was that warming,
mainly at night, 
was bad news.

The fourth deception 

was that average temperature
compilations had 
a margin of error less than 
+/- 1 degree C., 
and hiding the fact that 
most of our planet
has no thermometers, 
so government bureaucrats
just make up those numbers!

The fifth deception

was the unproven 
and unlikely
water vapor 
positive feedback theory,
claiming a positive feedback 
would triple
the alleged warming effect 
from CO2 alone,
in the absence of 
any historical evidence
that much higher levels of CO2 
in the past, ever caused 
"runaway warming".

All five deceptions 

are still alive,
and form the 
house of cards foundation
for the false 
coming climate catastrophe

Government bureaucrats
and politicians promoting 
the false CO2 boogeyman
could not possibly be wrong, 
or biased ... according to them,
even after 30 years
of their inaccurate 
climate model predictions !