The greenhouse gas effect
has a clearly defined mechanism,
although the amount of warming
is unknown, at least it is
with real climate science.
East Antarctica is gaining ice,
and West Antarctica is losing
a little ice.
The global warmunists focus on
the small loss of ice mass
in West Antarctica,
and never mention
the larger ice mass gains
in East Antarctica.
CO2 is spread
fairly evenly
around the globe,
at about 400 ppm
(ppm is parts per million).
CO2 is 400 ppm
in East Antarctica.
CO2 is 400 ppm
in West Antarctica.
So how can 400 ppm CO2
cause different climate effects
in East and West Antarctica ?
And how can Antarctica ice melt
when the temperature is below
zero degrees C. ?
The small amount of melting
in West Antarctica
is near the ocean,
and must be caused
is near the ocean,
and must be caused
by warm water
in the ocean.
CO2 warms the atmosphere,
not the oceans,
so the greenhouse effect
can’t be blamed
for the small loss of
West Antarctic ice mass.
The actual cause of the
small amount of melting
on the edges
of West Antarctica
are underseas volcanoes.
Geothermal activity
is responsible
is responsible
for local losses
of ice mass,
of ice mass,
not CO2.
CO2 doesn’t cause
the volcanic eruptions
that warm the ocean.
The real issue is to explain
how CO2 could cause
the two different
climate effects
climate effects
seen in Antarctica.
The correct answer is:
CO2 can't cause those effects !
Just because glaciers are melting,
doesn't mean man-made CO2
is the cause.