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Thursday, October 17, 2019

A simple article, with few numbers, summarizing REAL climate science -- sorry, no scary, wild guess predictions of a coming climate crisis -- because this article is non-fiction, not fiction

In "modern" 
climate science,
it's nearly impossible 
to accurately "predict"
the past climate, 
because the numbers 
keep changing !

And not by small amounts.

The future climate
seems easy to "predict" 
( 100% of the predictions 
are wrong, but the same 
scary climate predictions
are still made every year,
since the 1970s, stated 
LOUDER, and with more 
confidence, every year ).

The mass media gives
a huge amount of attention
to scary climate predictions,
and never follows up to
tell people 100% of past
predictions were wrong !

Predictions are still based
on a CO2-temperature formula 
proposed in the 1970s,
believe it or not 
( A 100% CO2 increase will 
cause +1.5 to +4.5 degrees C.
of global warming -- a formula
first highly publicized in the 
1979 Charney Report ) .

If you cherry pick data, 
and merely assume that 100% 
of the warming after 1975
was caused by man made CO2,
( the UN's IPCC only claims "over 50%" ).
then your WORST CASE estimate 
would be about +1 degree C.
of global warming from a 100%
increase of the atmospheric
CO2 level -- below the range
"supported" by the IPCC.

The right answer is 
"no one knows how much 
warming CO2 causes, if any"

It's impossible to know
what percentage of warming 
had natural causes, and wrong
to arbitrarily claim natural
causes of climate change 
no longer matter, after having
4.5 billion years 
of climate change
with 100% natural causes.

So how did science 
lead to predictions 
of an "existential threat"
climate change crisis ? 

Scary climate predictions have 
nothing to do with real science,
and the claims of a 97% 
scientific consensus are lies,
based on deliberately
manipulated "surveys".

To enjoy reading 
the rest of
this article 
you must have 
an open mind --
you must believe 
predictions of a
"coming climate crisis" 
could be wrong.

Climate alarmists
may not know what 
they are talking about, 
or even care 
-- because their
"solution" to every 
claimed environmental
crisis, since the 1960s, and
now the imaginary climate, 
crisis, is a more powerful 
government, led by leftist
politicians -- which is something
leftists have always wanted !

At this blog, based on
real climate science,
there is obviously no 
climate crisis now,
and no one on Earth 
is capable of predicting 
the future climate.

When the current warm
Holocene interglacial
period ends, and the 
planet gets a lot colder,
that would be a real
climate crisis.

But if the planet gets
one degree C. warmer 
in the next 100 years,
or even two degrees C.,
that's good news, 
and not even close
to being a crisis !

Because global warming
from greenhouse gases
should affect the 
coldest and dryest
atmospheres of our planet, 
such as over Alaska, 
and least affect
the humid tropics.

That's exactly what 
has happened so far.

And so far, 
global warming 
has had 
almost no effect
on the ice mass 
on top of Antarctica,
which could be 
dangerous over 
a long period 
of time ... 

A few smarmy scientists 
got a lot of media attention 
in the mid-1970s.

All scientists at the time
knew another cold ice age
was coming, eventually.

It's still coming, 
but no one knows 
if it will start tomorrow
or in 1,000 years.

So it's best to enjoy
our current warm
interglacial period,
called the Holocene,
because our planet 
is cold roughly 90% 
of the time !

About 20,000 years ago.
Canada, Chicago and 
Detroit were covered 
by mile thick glaciers.

About 10,000 years ago,
Canada, Chicago and
Detroit were ice free,
and the planet was 
slightly to moderately
warmer than today, 
in the period called 
the Holocene Optimum.

But that's old news.
and talking about it
won't get any
media attention.

A small percentage
of climate scientists
simply observed 
the global cooling
from 1940 to 1975,
and then jumped
to the conclusion
that cooling period
was actually the 
beginning of the 
expected transition
to another cold ice age.

Their predictions 
were 100% wrong, 
just like every other
prediction of the 
future climate.

But they got a lot
of media attention.

Because the mass media 
loves a scary story,
especially coming from
a scientist -- a field
well trusted at the time.

The media attention
showed other scientists
that scary forecasts 
get lots of attention,
and government grants,
for further study.

As a result of the publicity,
scary climate forecasts
became much more 
common, although
about global warming,
not global cooling.

The predictions are still
100% wrong, but they
are stated with high levels
of confidence, by people
with science degrees,
so many people believe

I have a science degree,
and I wrote that last
paragraph with a high
level of confidence,
so it must be true !

The coming global warming 
"crisis" consists of a small
amount of laboratory
science ( infrared gas
spectroscopy ) identifying 
CO2 as a greenhouse gas, 
that is likely to slow
the natural cooling
process of our planet.

Slowing the cooling
is equivalent to "warming".

And our planet has had
mild, intermittent warming.

But that warming started
20,000 years ago.

Long before their were
SUVs emitting CO2 !

More recently, there was
mild, intermittent warming
since the late 1600s.

Only the warming after 1975
could be blamed on CO2 --
the UN's IPCC organization
claims "over half" of the
warming was from
man made 
greenhouse gases.

They actually have no idea
what the right percentage is
-- "over 50%" 
is just a guess
-- the right answer
is 'somewhere' 
between 0%
and 100%.

Unfortunately, scientists
do a lot of jumping to
conclusions about the 
causes of climate change,
and love to make
predictions of the 
future climate.

That's why 
climate predictions
are 100% wrong -- 
very consistent,
but always wrong.

When asked about 
the cooling period 
from 1940 to 1975,
as CO2 levels rose, 
scientists blamed 
air pollution 
blocking sunlight.

When it was pointed out 
that air pollution 
was the worst
in the late 1970's, 
when the the 
global average temperature
began rising, the scientists
just tap danced and mumbled,
while gradually "adjusting"
historical temperature data
to make the 1940 to 1975
cooling period go away.

At least one global average 
temperature compilation
no longer shows any
global cooling in that period,
while others cut the cooling
in half, or by two-thirds.

Scary climate predictions 
started in the late 1950s, 
and ramped up a lot 
after the late 1980s.

Before the UN-initiated 
Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) 
formed in 1988, the most
common assumption 
was that carbon dioxide 
was responsible for the
rising global average 
temperature after 1975. 

 ( human caused ) 
global warming 
was declared 
to be the 
"existential crisis" 
of our time, 
in spite of no evidence 
anyone had been hurt 
by the past 300+ years 
of intermittent, mild 
global warming,
since the late 1600s.

IPCC climate forecasts 
have not materialized 
as predicted -- average
climate model predictions
are for roughly triple
the global warming 
that actually happened.

Before the IPCC formed, 
NOAA’s Mauna Loa 
Observatory in Hawaii 
registered CO2  levels 
under 350 ppm 
( ppm = parts per million ) .

We were told by
some scientists
if CO2 exceeded 
that number, 
planet Earth 
was in big trouble.

CO2 levels have since
risen to 415 ppm.

Nothing bad happened.

The IPCC controlled 
the climate debate 
by assuming man-made 
activity was responsible 
for climate change, and 
that Nature was not 
an active participant. 

Never mind the prior
4.5 billion years of 
constant, natural 
climate change !

The IPCC would 
have us believe 
the Sun is irrelevant.

CO2 is a critical 
component for life 
on our planet -- 
does not happen 
without CO2. 

It is certainly
not a pollutant !

Plants absorb CO2 
and release oxygen 
into the atmosphere.

People absorb oxygen
as we release CO2 
into the atmosphere.

We exhale a roughly
ten times higher
CO2 concentration
than exists in 
the atmosphere.

For green plants, 
Earth has been 
in a CO2 ‘famine’.

They prefer at least
1,000 ppm CO2, 
and many smart 
greenhouse owners 
use CO2 enrichment 
systems to provide 
a 1,000 to 2,000 ppm
inside CO2 level 
for their plants.

Antarctica ice cores 
allow the measurement 
of the relationship between 
CO2 and temperatures
-- but it's up to scientists 
to interpret the results.  

Vostok ice core samples 
from Antarctica refute 
CO2’s claimed role as
the "controller" of 
temperature changes.

In the center of the 
Antarctica ice sheet, the 
Vostok Research Center 
is a collaborative effort 
of Russian and French 
scientists, collecting 
undisturbed ice core 
data in the 1990s.

Vostok ice core samples 
provided the evidence 
of Earth’s climate history 
for 420,000 years, 
including four previous 
glacial and interglacial 

Ice core studies show 
carbon dioxide increases 
occurred long AFTER 
temperature increases.

CO2 level lags 
behind temperature 
were originally 
estimated as 
500 to 1,000 years, 
and later estimated 
as many thousands 
of years.

CO2 and 
are correlated -- 
they rise and fall together,  
but the peaks and throughs 
are separated by a lag time 
of thousands of years.

The general public 
is not aware that 
geologic records identified 
climate change to include 
natural 100,000 year cycles,
most likely caused
by changes of
planetary geometry.

The 80,000 to 90,000 year
cold periods end with a 
brief, warm interglacial 
period lasting 10,000 
to 20,000 years.

Today we live in the 
Holocene interglacial 
warm period, that began 
at the end of the Pleistocene 
Ice Age -- 10,000 to 12,000 
years ago. 

Interglacial periods 
are the good news 
warm periods, 
between much longer, 
bad news, cold periods.

Within those 
interglacial (warm)
cycles, are minor 
cyclical cooling and 
warming periods:

200 BC – 600 AD: 
Roman warming period

440 AD – 950 AD: 
Dark Ages cool period

950 AD – 1300 AD: 
Medieval warming period

1300 AD – 1850 AD: 
Little Ice Age cool period,
with the coldest decades 
in the late 1600s

1850 to date:
Modern warming period

In the past 600 million years, 
only the Carboniferous period, 
and today’s "Holocene Epoch",
had CO2 levels LESS than 
the 415 ppm CO2 level today

During the Early
Period,  CO2 was
roughly 1,500 ppm, 
with average 
of roughly 
20 degrees C. 
         (68 F),

... before diving 
to 350 ppm CO2
during the 
Mid Carboniferous
period, with a 
reduced average
of roughly 
12 degrees C. 
           (54 F)

Past natural
climate change,
discovered by 
geologists and 
other scientists,
were usually
larger than
the +1 degree 
global warming
claimed from 
1880 to 2019 !

to the IPCC’s
primary position,
ignoring the sun,
NASA recognizes 
“All weather on Earth, 
from the surface 
of the planet 
into space, 
begins with the Sun” 
and weather 
on Earth’s 
surface is 
“influenced by 
the small changes 
the Sun undergoes 
during its solar cycle.”