Brahim, Y.A., Wassenburg, J.A.,
Cruz, F.W., Sifeddine, A.,
Scholz, D., Bouchaou, L.,
Dassié, E.P., Jochum, K.P.,
Edwards, R.L. and Cheng, H.
Multi-decadal to centennial
hydro-climate variability
and linkage to solar forcing
in the Western Mediterranean
during the last 1000 years.
Scientific Reports 8: 17446,
Brahim et al. (2018)
note that
"information on
climate variability
in the Western
remains scarce
due to the lack of
long instrumental
adding that
in this region
are thus essential
to increase our
understanding of
variability on
various timescales
and to discuss
potential forcing
Brahim et al. conclude
their work provides
"new proxy evidence
for centennial-scale
solar forcing"
of the climate
( unlike most
climate alarmists
who claim almost all
climate change
is from rising levels
of man made CO2
in the atmosphere. )
Brahim et al. report
"comparison with solar
forcing reconstructions
shows a striking consistency,
... with a clear correlation ..."
The authors say that
"negative phases of the
North Atlantic Oscillation
that bring precipitation
towards the Western
are observed during
well-known solar
minima periods,"
The ten researchers
created two new high
resolution δ18O records
from two stalagmites
in caves that were
only a few 100 m apart
in Morocco
( Chaara cave and
Grotte de Piste,
~33.96°N, 4.25°W ),
which, when combined,
provided a composite proxy
for effective rainfall variability
over the past millennium.
The chart below shows
a comparison of a solar
modulation reconstruction (a)
and a proxy of
total solar irradiance (TSI) (b)
with the Northern Morocco
composite precipitation
reconstruction (Cha2-GP5) (c)
Light blue shading
indicates periods
of low solar activity:
Oort minimum (1010-1090 AD),
Wolf minimum (1280-1350 AD),
Spörer minimum (1450-1550 AD),
Maunder minimum (1645-1715 AD).
Dalton minimum (1790-1820 AD).
Black arrows indicate
peaks of low solar activity
and their corresponding peaks
of wet conditions in Morocco: