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Friday, October 11, 2019

Why Scientists Disagree About Climate Change

The United Nations’ 
Panel on Climate Change 
            ( IPCC )
was created to find 
the HUMAN impact 
on the global climate.

That means they ignore
the 4.5 billion years
of NATURAL climate change.

Ignoring past NATURAL
climate change is
proof that the IPCC is a 
political organization, not 
a scientific organization.

They start with the 
conclusion that humans
are causing climate change,
and NATURAL climate change
is just meaningless "noise"
in the temperature data !

That's a "closed mind 
organization", starting
with a conclusion, and 
then cherry picking
evidence, sometimes 
manipulating data with 
arbitrary "adjustments"
to "prove" their conclusion.

Debates are avoided with
false claims of 97% consensus,
ridicule and character attacks.
which are typical symptoms 
junk science.

Climate is an 
subject, including
astronomy, biology, 
botany, cosmology, 
geochemistry, geology, 
history, oceanography, 
paleontology, physics, 
scientific forecasting. 
and statistics.

Very few scientists 
are knowledgable of 
more than one or two 
of these disciplines.

Biologists may be 
familiar with the impact 
of rising levels of CO2 
on photosynthesis, 
plant growth, and 
carbon sequestration 
by plants and aquatic 

Physicists may be 
familiar with the
transfer of energy 
at the top of the 
atmosphere, and how 
the effects of CO2 
change logarithmically 
as its concentration rises.

Geologists may know 
of huge fluctuations
in global temperatures 
and carbon dioxide 
levels in the air, 
often moving in 
different directions. 

Scientists make assertions, 
and predictions of the future, 
claiming high degrees 
of “confidence”.

"Confidence" has a precise 
meaning in science, but not 
as used by the IPCC, where
it is meaningless.

For more than 
three decades,
climate modelers 
have "confidently"
predicted we'd have
triple the global 
warming that actually 
happened ( which was 
harmless ).

Modelers and their 
climate models,
have proved that 
they can't predict
the future climate, 
so why do people
continue taking their 
predictions seriously ?

We should not !

If the future climate 
can't be predicted,
then why should we 
assume the mild, 
intermittent, harmless
global warming that
we've had in the past,
will accelerate to triple 
the past warming rate ?

We should not !