IPCC AR2, 1995
False Icon:
Ben Santer’s falsely named
“distinct human fingerprint” !
The "fingerprint" had
condensation of water vapor
at higher altitudes
(about 10 km, or 33,000 feet)
over the tropics,
giving off latent heat
(aka 'the tropical hot spot').
After over 20 years
of searching,
weather balloons and
weather satellites
have never found the
alleged "hot spot."
IPCC AR3, 2001
False Icon:
Michael Mann’s hockey-stick chart !
Part of Mann's chart
was based on
the work of
Sherwood Idso
Sherwood Idso
and others
on bristlecone pines
in the White Mountains
of California,
which attributed
recent growth
to carbon dioxide
enrichment ...
later falsely claimed
to be from
"global warming".
Bristlecone proxy data,
are not reliable for
temperature reconstructions.
But even worse, the data
were spliced to real time
thermometer data,
on the infamous
hockey stock chart.
Mann did not bother
to mention his use
of two different
data sources
on the same chart.
Of course this was
done by a smarmy
after he realized
that 20th century
temperature data
derived from
pine cones
pine cones
showed no warming,
so Mann deleted that data
and substituted
surface thermometer
and substituted
surface thermometer
data that did show
warming in the 20th century,
warming in the 20th century,
and decided no one else
needed to know that !
IPCC AR4, 2007
False Icon:
Himalayan glaciers melting
by mid-21st century !
The "melting"
in the Himalayas
had a focus on
some glaciers melting;
but other glaciers,
that were increasing,
were ignored !
IPCC AR5, 2013/2014
False Icon:
Accelerating sea level rise !
The sea level
"hockey stick"
was caused by a switch
to satellite data,
which are
not accurate for
sea level measurements!
The satellite data
are contradicted
by strong evidence
from tidal gages
that are located in
stable coastal areas.
The UN Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
the US Global Change Research
Program (USGCRP),
and other organizations
have offered no physical evidence
that sea level rise is increasing,
is related to CO2, and is a threat
to human or national security.
The governmental organizations
have shifted from presenting
hard evidence, to presenting
speculation as evidence.