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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Let's talk sense about wildfires ... again ... and an offical wildfire chart that may be distorted

One thing about leftists 
that I expect:
   When they make false claims about any 
subject, you can not change their minds,
with facts, data and logic ... but they are 
always willing to character attack anyone
who disagrees with them, and move 
even further left !

Leftists' fact-free claims about wildfires
are no different than their wild guesses
about the future climate 
( wild guesses about the future
average global temperature,
that have been wrong for three decades so far, 
but they'll continue to make the same "dangerous
man made global warming" predictions,
year after year, using the same wild guess 
about the warming effect of CO2, 
first published in 1979, and never revised, 
in spite of strong contrary evidence ! )

Here's what 
you need to know
about California: 
( 1987 to 2016 data ) 

--CAL FIRE data show 
the number of wildfires 
over the past 30 years                
has dropped roughly in half.

-- For the 
same 30 years, 
wildfire area burned 
has grown slightly, 
with huge peaks 
and troughs from
year to year.

-- During the 1930s 
Dust Bowl years,
20% to 35% of 
the US and Mexico,
were in extreme drought. 

California has been 
in a drought, on-and-off, 
for at least the past  
one hundred years !

See related charts 
in my prior August 2018 article
on California wildfires:

Here's all you 
really need to know
about wildfires,
in general:

90% of wildfires are started by
humans, usually unintentionally.

Wildfires have no relationship 
to measured changes of the 
average global temperature,
no matter what anyone claims !

A forest burns 
because it is dry —
and forests were already dry,
and susceptible to fires
BEFORE global warming.

For one example:
Without any additional 
global warming, the fuels 
in late summer and fall 
are dry enough to burn 
in California forests, 
and always have been ! 

It doesn’t matter
if the weather / climate
got a little warmer 
over the years,
becasue the fuel for fires
would be still there, 
with or without 
a few tenths of a degree 
of global warming.

Environmental policies designed 
to protect forests, including the 2012
Obama regulations, are responsible
for increasing the fuel load for wildfires. 

In recent times, the number of
deliberate, prescribed burns 
have been severely restricted, 
so they have greatly decreased.

Smarmy environmentalists
demanded "natural forests",
and severely limited the season 
when clearing and burning 
of dry underbrush, is allowed,
and they also restricted 
prescribed burns  
because those 
might create smoke that 
might eventually 
reach a hospital or school.

Environmentalist policies
result in more "natural" forests
with more fuel available
for hotter, faster moving fires, 
that burn more acres,
and kill more people,
before they can be controlled !  

After an analysis,
I now believe
US acres burned 
data collection
before 1960, 
was different than 
data collection 
after 1960,
and I apologize 
for using 
the chart below
in an August article

The "US Forest Area Burned" 
chart shown below 
seemed extraordinary 
back in August 2018,
but it was from the 
National Interagency 
Fire Center, so I used it.

With the new November 
California wildfires, 
I saw the chart again and 
it was still hard to believe.

Between 1930 and 1950, 
15 million or more US acres 
were burned by wildfires annually.

Most of the area burned 
during this period was in the 
Southeastern United States 
(South RPA Region), 
and were primarily 
incendiary forest fires.

In case you didn’t know, 
an incendiary forest fire is one 
that is set intentionally
to burn dry, dead plant matter
that would otherwise be
very susceptible to wildfires.

It appears that 
much of the pre-1960 data 
were related to those
incendiary forest fires, 
and not to true wildfires.

For the post-1960 data, 
the National Interagency 
Fire Center explicitly separates 
wildfire data from the incendiary, 
prescribed fire data.

That’s why I believe the chart above
is comparing "apples to oranges".

Pre-1960 data 
should be ignored,
in my opinion.

There were two different  
wildfire acres burned trends
AFTER 1960:

US acres burned flat trend, 
from 1960 to 1998,
in a period which included 
almost all the measured 
GLOBAL warming 
since 1940 
( that warming was almost entirely
in the 1975 to 2003 period).

US acres burned uptrend,
from 1998 to 2018,
a period which included
almost no 
GLOBAL warming, 
except for a brief 
intense, local
El Nino Pacific Ocean 
heat release 
in late 2015, 
and early 2016, 
that has nothing 
to do with CO2 
greenhouse warming.

There is no correlation 
of the US acres burned 
and GLOBAL warming 
measurements since 1960
( using weather satellite temperature data, 
since first available in 1979 ).