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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Fears About Ice Melting Are Not Justified

Don't listen 
to the leftist
about ice melting.

The primary problem 
is that writers 
treat the subject 
like supermarket 

They are in the business 
of selling fear and anger.

Studies of ice sheets melting 
over the past century 
actually show remarkable 
ice stability. 

The ice sheets will take 
hundreds of thousands 
of years to melt, 
assuming the next 
glacial period 
doesn’t start first. 

Sea level today 
is lower than 
at the end 
of the last 
period 120,000 
years ago. 

We also know 
that sea level 
has already risen 
400 to 430 feet 
since the end 
of the last 
glacial maximum 
20,000 to 22,000 
years ago. 

During warm periods 
over the past 
10,000 years, 
sea level has been 
several meters higher 
than today !

The alarm over 
melting ice sheets 
is deceptive reporting. 

A single scientific study
can cause headlines 
in hundreds 
of news articles. 

In the past century, 
we have only +1 °C 
of global warming,
with haphazard 
and little Southern
Hemisphere data
before 1940.

Melting ice in 
and Antarctica 
raised sea level 
by only 
+0.9 to +1.6 inches
in the past century. 

A September 1, 2016
The Smithsonian article:
“Melting Glaciers 
Are Wreaking Havoc 
on Earth’s Crust.” 

"At the current estimated rate 
of one-tenth of an inch each year, 
sea level rise could cause large 
swaths of cities like New York, 
Galveston and Norfolk to 
disappear underwater 
in the next 20 years.”

You'd think they 
would have mentioned
a sea level rise rate 
of one-tenth 
of an inch 
per year is 
only +2 inches 
in 20 years.

The lowest elevations 
of those cities 
are over ten feet 
above sea level. 

A June 13, 2018
Washington Post, article
“Antarctic ice loss has tripled 
in a decade. If that continues, 
we are in serious trouble.”

"If the acceleration continues, 
some of scientists’ worst fears 
about rising oceans could be 
realized, leaving low-lying cities 
and communities with less time 
to prepare than they had hoped.”

The reader assumes a melt rate 
that has tripled must be extreme. 

The original annual melt rate 
of 1.3 parts-per-million (ppm) 
has increased to nearly 4 ppm 
over 26 years. 

Losing slightly less than 
4 parts in 1 million each year 
means that it will take 
over 250,000 years 
to melt entirely. 

But in real life, sometimes ice 
is increasing, and sometimes 
it is decreasing -- no trend
has ever been permanent. 

Antarctica holds 91%
of the world’s land ice, 
Greenland 8%, and the 
remaining 1% is spread 
over the rest of the world.

Two NASA agencies recently 
published studies with 
conflicting conclusions. 

NASA's Goddard Space Flight
concluded Antarctica is not 
contributing to sea level rise,
because snow accumulation 
exceeded ice melting, 
resulting in a 0.5-inch sea level 
reduction since 1900. 

NASA'a Jet 
Propulsion Laboratory 
reports that the 
rate of Ice loss
from Antarctica 
has tripled 
since 2012 
and contributed 
+0.3 inches 
to sea level rise 
between 1992 and 2017. 

Over 26 years,
Antarctica’s average 
annual mass loss 
was less than 
0.00040% of its total. 

At this alarming rate 
it would take 250,185 years 
to melt all of the ice. 

It would take over 1,000 years 
of melting to yield 12 inches 
of sea level rise from Antarctica 
if we assume the melt rate 
continued uninterrupted.

If Antarctica were 
a 220 lb. man, 
his mass loss each year 
would be 0.4 grams.

about Greenland 
comes from a study 
in the journal Nature, 
estimating Greenland’s
ice losses between 
1900 and  2010.

We calculate 
the ice mass in 2010 
was between 
99.5% – 99.8% 
of what it was in 1900. 

Ice melt from Greenland 
in the 111 years contributed 
+0.6 to +1.3 inches to 
sea level rise.

It would take over 1,300 years 
of melting to yield 12 inches 
of sea level rise from Greenland 
if we assume the melt rate 
continued uninterrupted.

A squadron of 
World War II planes 
were forced to land , 
and were abandoned,
on an ice field 
on Greenland 
in the 1940’s. 

Hundreds of feet of ice 
has grown over the planes
in the next 80 years .

An ice sheet begins as snow. 

Snow falls in the higher 
elevations and over time 
it compacts and becomes ice. 

Antarctica ice 
is over 12,000 feet 
in the center of the continent 
and over 9,000 feet over 
most of East Antarctica. 

Gravity initiates a thousand-year 
journey where the ice flows 
from its heights back to the sea. 

At the end of this journey, 
when its weight can no longer
be supported by the sea, 
it “calves” and becomes 
an iceberg. 

Some icebergs can float 
around Antarctica 
for over 30 years 
before fully melting. 

Young ice is born inland 
from snow.

Old ice dies near the coast, 
often after drifting for years 
as an iceberg. 

This process is the 
natural cycle of ice.

Geothermal energy 
was not discussed here.

Greenland and Antarctica 
are both extremely 
active areas of 
volcanic activity. 

Some ice melt is due 
to heat from below, 
probably all of the 
minor amount 
of melting in Antarctica 
in the past 60 years:
  Local melting,
always located near 
undersea volcanoes
-- local melting
could not be caused 
by CO2