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Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Rappin' -- We know little about the causes of climate change ... but many people confuse their assumptions about CO2 ... with real knowledge

Many of the “truths”
about climate change
are merely assumed, 
which means they
may be wrong ! 

CO2 does acts as 
a greenhouse gas 
in a laboratory.

That suggests it should 
act as a greenhouse gas 
in the atmosphere.

How much warming 
CO2 actually causes 
in the atmosphere,
is unknown.

How much a warmer 
atmosphere will heat
Earth's surface,
is also unknown.

We do know 
CO2 increased 
from 1940 to 1975 
with no global warming 
( surface temperature data )

We also know 
CO2 increased 
a lot from 2003 
to mid-2015 with 
virtually no warming 
( UAH satellite temperature data )

All of the global
warming since 1975 
could be 100% natural, 
100% from man made CO2,
somewhere between.

We only know 
the correct answer 
is from 0% to 100% 
of warming since 
1975 is manmade.

That’s not precise, 
but it is accurate.

The UN's IPCC 
guesses "most"
warming is
man made.

One could attribute
ALL the warming
since 1950 to CO2,
as a worst case 

That would show 
CO2 to be a mild, 
and harmless 
greenhouse gas.

Which is what the
lab experiments
suggest ( infrared
spectroscopy ).

More CO2 in the 
air, if it acted as 
a greenhouse gas
would cause 
mild, harmless
global warming, 
mainly where 
the humidity 
was low -- in the 
high latitudes
( colder areas,  
(not the tropics).

That's because 
the primary 
greenhouse gas, 
water vapor,
has a 
global warming 
effect that 
the assumed 
effect of CO2.

Warming of the 
higher latitudes,
especially the Arctic, 
has happened in the 
Northern Hemisphere.

Of course 
that's good news
for the few people 
who live there.

The Southern 
has been different.

Antarctica has not had
warming, except for 
local warming near 
underseas volcanoes
-- not a pattern of warming 
that CO2 could cause.

    More important: 
Was the global warming 
since 1975 good news 
or bad news?

I say good news.

Warming was 
mainly in 
the higher, 
colder latitudes, 
mainly in the six 
coldest months 
of the year, and 
mainly at night.

are warmer 
winter nights 
in Alaska 
bad news ?

I’ve never been 
in Alaska, 
but I’d guess
good news.

Concerning “Renewables”:
There would be 
CO2 emissions 
while wind turbines 
and solar panels are 
being manufactured,
and installed, 
along with the 
mining of minerals 
for electric vehicle 

But in time 
they would have 
lower CO2 
when generating 
electricity, than 
fossil fuels.

Based on real science, 
however, more CO2 
in the atmosphere 
plant growth, 
allowing our planet 
to support more life.

So more CO2
in the atmosphere 
is good news 
for our planet 
— ask any modern 
greenhouse owner.

The climate history 
of our planet 
clearly shows 
that more life 
is supported with 
higher CO2 levels, 
and a warmer climate 
in the higher latitudes.

So if you are 
and pro-life, 
then more CO2 
in the atmosphere, 
from burning 
fossil fuels 
with modern 
pollution controls 
is good news.

But without those 
pollution controls, 
the cost of real 
air pollution is worse 
than the benefit 
of adding CO2 to
our CO2-starved 

Air pollution in Chinese 
and indian cities is proof 
that burning fossil fuels 
releases real air pollution
 -- it's just that CO2 
is NOT pollution !

The “existential threat” 
from CO2 is the attack 
on inexpensive reliable 
sources of energy
( nuclear power, coal
natural gas and oil )
based on a prediction 
of a coming climate crisis.

A crisis that has 
been "coming" 
for over 60 years, 
but never shows up.

Anti-science leftists 
demand the political 
power to destroy 
the fossil fuel energy 
foundation of our
free market economy.

The leftists, 
and other 
( I repeat myself ) 
must be 

This free, no-ad, 
climate science blog, 
is my contribution  !