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Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Earth's global 
average temperature
has warmed in the 
past 325 years,
since the cold 1690s.

And that's good news,
even though no one
lives in the average
temperature !

The warming 
was at least
+2 degrees C., 
but we don't have 
very accurate 
global average 
records before 
data from weather 
satellites in 1979.

As a result of 
that warming,
the climate 
is more 
for humans. 

The most warming
was in colder areas, 
mainly during the six 
coldest months 
of the year, and 
mainly at night.

Compilations of the 
global average 
began DURING this 
325 year long
warming trend.

That means record highs 
are expected regularly, 
until the warming 
trend ends, and a 
cooling trend begins.

Some of the warming 
since the 1690s is likely
to be caused by increasing 
carbon dioxide (CO2) 
in the atmosphere,
from fossil fuel burning.

No one knows how much.

Natural causes 
of climate change 
are not well
but have been 
in progress for
4.5 billion years.

CO2 is invisible 
to solar energy 
coming in, but 
disrupts cooling 
of our planet,
which is heat
( infrared energy )
escaping into space.

The United Nations
claims a range of 
+1.5° to +4.5° C.,
of global warming, 
from a doubling 
of atmospheric CO2.

No one actually knows
how much warming 
is natural, and how much
is caused by CO2.

As a worst case estimate,
we can assume all global
warming is caused by CO2.

That worst 
case estimate
suggests CO2 
warms LESS
than the 
United Nations'
warming range 

Climate models 
don't “prove” 
that humans 
are responsible
for global warming.

They merely assume 
there are no natural
causes of warming,
ignoring 4.5 billion 
years of natural 
climate change.

Then the models
predict 2x to 3x
the warming that
actually happens.

Climate science 
is far from being

We do know the 
climate is more
pleasant after 
325 years of
global warming.

We also know 
claims that 
future global 
warming will 
be a crisis,
are nothing more 
than a wild guess.

A wild guess 
climate change
doesn't mean much
after over 30 years
of consistently wrong
climate predictions !

How many decades
of wrong predictions
are needed before
we stop taking climate
predictions seriously ?